Japan: The Land of Tea
For my final blog I chose Japan. Japan is known for their capital and largest city, Tokyo, as well as their famous calligraphy and tea ceremonies. Japan is located in East Asia, right off the east coast. I chose Japan this week because they strive to be a model country of the SDGs rather than a dependent of them. (SDG, 2017) They take pride and make it a priority to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. The life expectancy of the entire population averages about 85.5 years of age. (CIA, 2018) Their drinking water and sanitation has improved by 100% since 2015. (CIA, 2018) They have an infant mortality rate of only 2 deaths per 1,000 live births, as well as a maternal mortality rate of only 5 deaths per 100,000 live births. The most surprising statistic, the HIV/AIDS rate, is no greater than .1%. Which means there are roughly 30,000 of their 126,168,156 people who currently live with it compared to countries like Nigeria, where almost 2 million people liv...