Kangaroo Land

This week I chose Australia. Australia is the smallest continent, while also the largest country. Australia is a beautiful country filled with beaches and well-known deserts, such as, "The Outback." Another big tourist attraction. They are also known for their famous indigenous animal, the kangaroo.  Australia is one of the most well-structured and organized countries. They partake in the sustainable developmental goals not to improve their country but as preventive action and allow further growth. 

Australia is one of the most diverse nations and are indigenous to over 300 ancestries. "The Sustainable Development Goals reflect things that Australians value highly and seek to protect." They take pride in keeping their people safe, healthy and thriving. The have less issues than many other countries because of how they are governed. Their issue lies upon some of their land being uninhabitable. This becomes more of an issue as their population continues to grow larger. 

Australia has everything necessary to resolve this issue; clean water, diversity, economic stability, and a union on the same accord. How they plan on addressing this issue is simply building cities that are "livable,  competitive, productive, equitable and environmentally sustainable." Due to the sustainable development goals being of great value to the Australians and their understanding of their value of "fair go," this is a big priority for them to be successful. 

The United States could honestly touch Australia in may opinion with a ten-foot pole. They have diversity, unity, great values and great structure. The United States often gets caught up in other nations' business and we lose site of our own struggles that need to be addressed. Our values are not strong, we are still very diverse. Our own president is persistent on preventing a race from even trying to have a better life for themselves and their families, by kicking them out of the country and preventing them from entering by building a wall that cost $21.6 billion. By building this wall, all the U.S. does is build enemies and waste money. The money could be used to address other, more important issues. The whole country is nowhere on the same accord with diversity and growth. Australia is solely believe in order to achieve the sustainable development goals is a nation effort. This is the difference between Australia and the U.S.

Jacobo, J. (2019, October 3). 19-year-old charged in massacre of up to 20 kangaroos in Australia: Police. Retrieved October 23, 2019, from https://abcnews.go.com/International/teen-charged-massacre-20-kangaroos-australia-police/story?id=66034860. 

Powell, J. M., Ride, W. D. L., Rickard, J. D., Twidale, C. R., Veevers, J. J., & Lange, R. T. (2019, October 21). Australia. Retrieved October 23, 2019, from https://www.britannica.com/place/Australia. 

Wade, D. (2018, July 17). Australia's first report on implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved October 23, 2019, from https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/content/documents/27703australiavnrstatement.pdf.  


  1. Hi Ma'k'la,
    According to the Medical Journal of Austrilia (2019), a multidimensional and comprehensive approach to SDG 3 measurement and monitoring by the Australian government will be imperative (Brolan et al., 2019). I am glad to know that the Australian government is acknowledging the importance of good health and well-being in Austrilia. Brolan et al. (2019) states that the Australian Government's ability to substantively report on SDG implementation (including SDG #3) is hindered by the country lacking a comprehensive SDG action plan (2019). Even though Australia has acknowledge the seriousness of SDG#3 health goals and targets , Australia does not know HOW they will be able to reach each target for SDG#3. This can be an issue later on and hinder the process of achieving goal#3 on time. Like stated previously before, having a comprehensive plan and an efficient one will be beneficial in the long run and there will be more insight to what exactly is getting done in Austrilia.

    Brolan, C.E., Hall, N., Creamer, S., Johnston, I., & Dantas, J.AR. (2019, Feb. 25). Health's role in achieving Australia's Sustainable Development Goal commitments. The Medical Journal of Australia 2019, 210(5): 204-206. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50040

  2. Hi Ma'k'la ,

    Australia's approach to diversity is astounding. For governments to take notice of diverse population and make an open spot for them in there country is beautiful and to include it in there SDG's shows a higher understanding of their country and the future of their country with other ethnic groups.

  3. Hi Ma'k'la,
    I think it's so interesting that Australia has over 300 ancestries. One thing I liked about your post was how you mentioned they have such a big diversity. They aren't bothered by having such a diverse country, they are bothered by actual problems like their need to make their land more habitable. America is such a diverse country and that is what makes a country so special. I agree with you in saying that building a wall will do more harm than good.

  4. Hi Ma'k'la
    I really like that Australia is more focused on providing the best for its people instead of what their people look like. The diversity shown is a testament to that. It is so refreshing to see a county/continent focusing on diversity and making it on of their SDG's this shows that even though they already are in a good place in terms of diversity, they are prioritizing it and hoping to grow even further as a country/continent.

  5. Hi Ma'k'la,
    I had a lot of fun learning about Australia from your post, the fact that they have the will to thrive and become a better country is amazing to me. Because many times we hear about third world countries complain and use their natural environmental situations as an excuse for their shortfalls which is the complete wrong way to go about improvement. The first part of improvement for a nation has to do is recognize the shortfalls and the hardships the working class goes through while also assessing the strengths of the nation and extenuating them. Celebrating and embracing diversity is the best part about being a nation that people want to live in, and that is due to the fact that we as humans bring different expertise and knowledge which can be used to help the nation they live in thriving because of the change. Embracing cultures will only help those immigrants work with your society as a leader, but the more you try to see the worst in different cultures the more likely it is for the immigrants bad side to come out too, because that is what humans do when they are upset.

  6. Hi Ma'k'la!
    I really enjoyed reading your post because it was easy to read and I got to learn more about the role Australia plays in meeting their sustainable development goal of good health and well-being. It's nice to see that a country is taking preventative measures against future problems that might happen. It's a smart way of handling problems that the country knows it will have and the fact that they did not wait until the problem arose is amazing! We definitely have a lot to learn from Australia because of their love and commitment to their own country, however, the execution of how this issue will be addressed needs to be focused on more in order for there to be no unexpected problems.


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