South Africa

South Africa is the southernmost country of the African continent, well known for their natural beauty and great cultural diversity. (Thompson, 2019) Unfortunately they struggle with overpopulation, lack of clean water, sanitation and good health. These issues affect their progress towards their sustainable development goal of ensuring good health and well-being. South Africa is currently populated at 57,142,000 people. This disrupts the quality health care needed to ensure their third Sustainable development goal is met. They currently have 0.91 physicians per 1,000 people.(CIA, 2018) South Africa currently struggles with the spread of HIV/AIDS and with the high demand of health physicians these infectious diseases will continue to spread and get worse. According to the world factbook, South Africas' rivers and lakes are in need of extensive water conservation and control measures due to growth in water usage and the rivers are polluted. South Africa plans to implement the ...